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"We're Back:" Choose to Change Schedules It's First Prison Invasion Since Pandemic

Why Prison Invasions?

Choose to change is excited to announce that we will be restarting our Prison Invasions coming this month, February 26, 2022! Because of the 2020 pandemic, we have not been able to reach these men nor minister to them.

Since then, the state of fatherlessness due to incarceration has only intensified. The side effects of the pandemic have caused an increase in drug use, crime, and poor mental health.

It's been more than two years since we have been able to minister to inmates and give them a spiritual foundation to prepare them for when they leave prison. Many of these men are fathers who need to take up this role once released. But without a spiritual foundation and guidance, they are likely to fail to be the fathers, husbands, and leaders their families need.

What to Expect

While we respect the consequences the Texas Judicial System has given these men; we know that serving time in prison isn't enough to change someone's lifestyle.

We understand that to change someone's life truly, we must start from within. That's why Prison Invasions are so impactful to the fathers and husbands we minister to in the Lopez Unit prison.

Visitors have an opportunity to plant seeds of hope for a better future for them. We do this in 3 ways:

  1. We bring Christian music groups to minister to inmates. It's a great way to bring entertainment and excitement to the men while sharing a message of hope found in Jesus Christ.

  2. Next, we ask specific volunteers who were once in prison or who were directly affected by incarceration to share their stories of how they overcame their challenges.

  3. Lastly, we end the afternoon with a preacher who challenges the men to be the fathers, husbands, and leaders they were created to be.

Typically we see up to 200 men voluntarily come out to wanting hear what we have to say. By the end of the Prison Invasion, every man there is inspired and challenged to be different men and start making different decisions.

Many are thankful that ordinary people like us would take a Saturday off to talk to them and remind them that they are needed in our society.

You will never forget the first time you go into an prison and see men sitting, listening intently to our volunteers share their stories of hope. It's important to remember that they are men just like us who need guidance!

As a volunteer in our upcoming Prison Invasion with Choose to Change, you will make a difference in the life of an inmate. You will be a reminder to them that there are people back home who believe that they can change if they only choose to!

If you want to make a difference in the life of inmates of the RGV, sign up for our upcoming Winter 2022 Prison Invasion here.

Sign up for the Winter 2022 Prison Invasion

Join a team of Choose to Change volunteers going into the Lopez Unit prison to minister music, share testimonies, and share the gospel to inmates. No matter if you are a first-time or returning volunteer, inspiring change in the lives of these men, fathers, and husbands is an unforgettable experience!

Note: deadline to register is February 6th!

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